Celebrity Sponge: (noun) People who take in and emulate what celebrities do. I named my show this because... Well... We do the opposite here and we encourage you all to do the same :). Being a sponge is not always the smartest! I play only the best music and talk about what is on my mind, along with approaching making a music show a different way....
Celebrity Sponge is about being innovative, original and not afraid of being who you are... No matter what anyone else says. We hold that same ideal when approaching the music we play.
Celebrity Sponge is a music-based show bringing you the tracks that most radio stations won't these days. With a DJ who talks about the issues that surround life, love, and entertainment. We loooove GREAT MUSIC, so artists, send us 2 of your DOPEST TRACKS with 2 classy and energy filled photos. Please don't send us wild tasteless photos that don't make you look your best! Send them to: Celebritysponge@gmail.com